Tuesday, June 24, 2008

India has 28 states, eh ?

The states of India are Maharashtra, Madhya Pradhesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, ......... and SouthIndia.

  • The capital of the state SouthIndia is Muddraass.

  • Muddraass lies somewhere inside Kerala, and the people of Muddraass talk Muddraasi.

  • Kerala can sometimes be inside TamilNadu or outside of it, depending on the position of the sun during the day.

  • Andhra Pradesh ? - uhm.. yeah, somewhere on the map.

  • Karnataka -? non-existent. Or most likely inside of Muddraass but outside TamilNadu.

  • Coming back to Muddraasis : These specimens can speak "Keralite"(Now, that could n't possibly be "Malayalam",could it??) . Oh, I'm confused. Don't they speak Muddraasi ?

  • Amidst all this confusion - One thing's for sure - People in Tamil Nadu certainly speak Tamil. The name of this place proves that.

  • But then, some Mudraasis may be Keralites, depending on whether you were suddenly reminded of the existence of the 'city' of Kerala the instant you opened your mouth.

  • There is no such place as Hyderabad (Forget, for a while, that Microsoft is located there).

  • Banglore ? No... I must stop now !

  • Certain obvious things that I need not mention here,( but will still do so for the sake of completeness ) : the idli-sambar factor, excessive use of coconut oil, the law-abiding nature of SouthIndian Citizens, the 'never-stick-your-neck-out-for-anything' ness ,and oh yeah - WHAT THE HELL IS "thambi" ?!

Poor PM. He could give up crying over the 11 % inflation and considering uniting all these places and giving them just one single, nice, easy-to-remember name : MUDRASS. And request them to stick to just one language - MUDDRAASI.

Let me know if I have missed out any other symptoms. I'll add them. :)

( Dedicated to OP, MN, TS, PV and all such folk)


John Anderton said...

You've listed only 6 states so I'll assume "India has 6 states." is the title.

Interesting characteristics of species from South Indies.. Interesting indeed :o

I think you've covered everything. I vote for this post to be made into a book "Mudraassis for dummies", an instant best seller I say!

Oh wait.. what about the anna factor? :P

Navneeth Sundar said...

u probably missed a couple of things.
Muddrass - people called Mad Asses.
Muddrass - Mud that cause rashes.

Otherwise k

krithika said...

lol!u cud add a couple of 'd's more in muddraas i guess..pretty complete otherwise!

Nenlos said...

Ripped that one off my blog, eh? Haha! Nice one, though.

Fenris - of the Beastly Jaws said...

MUDrassis are either IITians and have a green card
They are drug addicts and listen to craddle of filth or some crap like that.

freeverse said...

yea i like the dedication the best

silversplash said...

@JA - Anna is an excellent specimen. Blogs cannot do justice to him - We could write a book on him !
nenlos - as you very well know, i'd totally forgotten about your blog when i wrote this. You know my current inspiration for this blog - OP & co.

@ inferno - please blog soon.

oh btw ppl , i missed out "ANDU GUNDU". whatever that means !!