Friday, July 18, 2008

The whole world is married !

Or so it seems, to me, yet again !

In the past year alone, I'm sure 9 out of every 10 people I have known have suddenly declared themselves married. Okay - committed, married, whatever ! ( Oh , and I think the 10th in every such set is me ! )
Two friends in the past week ! WTF ?! At this rate, single people like me will not have anyone left ! Or I'd have to choose from the pool of divorced people. Most people of my age either are in a relationship or have already been through one (or many).
I'm starting to feel like a happy, japa-mala clutching, wise, pohonchi-hui grandmother, watching all her children settle down in life. What , am I seriously that old ?!
No. I'd rather remain single. And in any case its a much better option than putting up my height, weight, position of nose on face, breadth/width of forehead and other such irrelevant data along with nice fresh sparkling fotu on some Matrimonial site !

Allright, Congratulations to all you committed fellows and fellis.
Those who are single, please remind me of your existence. I can then change the title of this blog !
Mulaanno, Krupaya ithhe attandance dya !


Navneeth Sundar said...

I remember the whole world being committed a few weeks ago. Now, the marriage has happened huh!

If you are single it means, you are out of the world :D.That's an achievement!!!

Noone can defy gravity forever though :)

John Anderton said...

For now, I guarantee that you have company and will continue to do so for the near future :P So stop worrying already :P

silversplash said...

I realise a lot of "single"s saw this blog and did not comment.
I now suspect them - I'm sure they are in the process of finalising some bakra/bakri for themselves. I should keep watch and publicly expose those couples sometime soon.. :P
< adds an evil laugh - MUHAHAHA to that >

silversplash said...

oh wait a minute...... MY FIRST SUSPECT - katta! ( didnt you spot flowers in our college all of a sudden after 3 years of studying there? )

Navneeth Sundar said...

Is the intention of the post, to take a headcount of the number of "single"s? U want "Present Ma'am"s for reply?

krithika said...

daii i agree with navneeth..was i sposed to say present wen u already know im single!n hey looking for those cats made me notice the flowers!finally i have a good explanation phew