Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Wish you a Happy New Year.

With just four months of college left, the year will bring in a complete change of environment for me. And I hope and trust that by the end of the year my life looks a lot more clearer to me.

Going through a P & P hangover at the moment. I've been watching the 6-hour mini-series BBC adaptation of the classic. 
I shall now return to the beautiful world in Longbourn, Grace-Church Street, Rosings Park and above all, Pemberley. 

P.S - 
Worst(and unfortunately the most often used) PJ-forward sms of the day :
" To all my friends and Relatives who sent me Love, prosperity and Best Wishes for 2008...
It didn't work..
Please send CASH for 2009. "



John Anderton said...

Happy New Year to you too! :)
Thankfully I don't get such forward messages.. sadly no one cares enough to read our blog(s) every now and again :P

Navneeth Sundar said...

May this be a best maxxx year for u!
Kudos to u for starting it off, with a worst maxxx joke to ur blog :P.